We Love Solutions

We offer a wide variety of business growth services, from identifying areas of your business that need improvement through to providing support once a project is complete.


Management development

improving your capability

The success of an organization depends not only on product and strategy but also on execution. This requires high quality management. The Managerial Assessment of Proficiency (MAP) is a unique assessment tool that accurately measures the competence of your team and delivers development to improve the team. WLP are licensed for MAP assessments and training, and have successfully assessed dozens of people since the year 2000.

MAP is based on studies in well-run larger companies that found the major competencies indicating good performance. It is the preferred assessment method for over 150,000 managers worldwide. DPG plc, who own the UK rights, have put £1 million investment into developing the database of competencies specifically for UK-based managers.

It is well known that people leave bad managers, which is why it is so important for growing businesses to have competent ones. MAP can be used to develop your team or as part of a verification process when making key appointments.

We will:

  • Arrange for the assessment of the members of your team that you have selected.
  • Provide feedback to the participants and help them agree with you a development plan.
  • Provide group feedback on competencies where the biggest influence is the business’s practice and culture.
  • Provide the development tools required, this includes access to other tools such as Anger Management.
  • Support small groups to improve their proficiency in the competencies if required.
  • Talk to you in language you can understand (we do not talk jargon).

01953 882141 or email: enquiry@w-l-p.co.uk us about Management development