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We offer a wide variety of business growth services, from identifying areas of your business that need improvement through to providing support once a project is complete.


Health & Safety

BS OHSAS 18001 set out the minimum requirements for occupational health and safety management best practice. It used to be the way to certify your business to represent good practice for your employees, your operations and your customers.

However, it is now being withdrawn and replaced by ISO 45001:2018, the globally recognised standard for Health and Safety (H&S). There is currently a transition period within which businesses must meet the updated requirements set out in the new standard.

Other than the obvious benefits in regard to health & safety practices and policies, making the transition to
ISO 45001:2018 will also add greater robustness to planning and strategy for some businesses.

Acquiring the certification from an Accredited Certification Body should be relatively easy once you have put things in place. Like with most projects, the smoothest transitions and implementations are achieved when the senior management is fully committed. It is also advisable that you have or acquire expertise to help.

If you’re looking to either implement or transition to ISO 45001 and wish to explore some help, please contact us for a no obligation meeting.

Other Compliance and standards child services

CE Marking,Cyber Security,Energy,Environmental,Food,Health & Safety,Quality,Registered Laboratories,Resilience Continuity

01953 882141 or email: enquiry@w-l-p.co.uk us about Health & Safety