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We offer a wide variety of business growth services, from identifying areas of your business that need improvement through to providing support once a project is complete.


Registered Laboratories

Being a registered or calibration Laboratory means compliance with ISO 17025:2017.

This standard is currently in a transition period, within which businesses with certification to previous versions must meet the new and updated requirements set out in the latest version.

Implementing, or making the transition to, ISO 17025:2018 standard may present some difficult challenges. Acquiring certification from UKAS should be relatively easy once everything is in place. In order for the overall project to run smoothly, it’s crucial that the senior management are fully committed and involved. It is also advisable that you have or acquire the appropriate expertise to ensure a successful certification.

Compliance with the latest standard means you’ll be following good practice for the industry you are in and gradually making improvements. It will add a greater robustness to planning and strategy in some businesses and can separate you from your competition.

For a no obligation meeting to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Other Compliance and Standards child services

CE Marking,Cyber Security,Energy,Environmental,Food,Health & Safety,Quality,Registered Laboratories,Resilience Continuity

01953 882141 or email: enquiry@w-l-p.co.uk us about Registered Laboratories