Success Stories

Here are some examples of the kind of services we offer and the end results our customers achieved.
You can see testimonials from our clients here >

  • Changing ownership with less pain

    A medium sized specialist contractor in construction had owners with who had grown at different rates.  There was unhappiness in the camp about the contribution being made. A strategic review was completed and one of the owners admitted that he did not really have a role. The owner was bought out by the other owner Read More...
  • Refrigeration servicing company opens new branch

    A client which sells and services refrigeration units for commercial vehicles, needed to assess the viability of opening a branch in a new area. Using a variety of research techniques, a thorough investigation of the local market was undertaken to build an accurate picture of usage, demand, competition and future trends. The results enabled our Read More...
  • Blinds company implements effective Health and Safety

    A manufacturer of window blinds and sunblinds, recognising that it was not fulfilling its obligations under health & safety law, sought help to ensure legal compliance. Risk assessments were carried out to determine the health & safety legislation applicable to the business and the measures to be applied to ensure safety and legal compliance. From Read More...
  • Mentoring for a Landmark on Marketing Plan

    A significant landmark has unique characteristics as a conference and food facility, located in central Norwich. The scope and potential for business is extensive and the business, which is a charitable trust, wished to have assistance mentoring the Marketing Manager to define potential, establish scope, prioritise and implement new marketing initiatives. We focused on a Read More...
  • New strategy for disposable products company

    The company, a wholesaler of disposable products for a range of service industries, wanted to review their future business direction and strategy, following a period of rapid growth. We delivered an innovative strategic business development programme, based around analysis of current markets and customers, strategic customer potential and comparison with both current and future core Read More...
  • Business survey for strategy development

    Peterborough City Council was required to conduct a survey of the needs and views of the small business community as part of their ‘Best Value’ review. WLP conducted a research study through a combination of telephone study and face to face interview with small businesses, support agencies and partners. The results provided the Council’s Economic Read More...
  • Achieving environmental standards

    Inturn Trading Ltd recycles mobile telephones and IT equipment. To continue their rapid expansion and development in UK and overseas markets, the Company needed to be certified to an independently accredited and internationally recognized environmental standard. Working closely with Inturn’s team, WLP helped design, install and embed a practical, business-friendly environmental management system which complied Read More...
  • Martin Bonser at football stadium

    Getting a new idea to market

    Tim Warner has been running a successful van rental business for some years. But alongside that he had another idea for a totally separate business: Tim’s good idea was a replica football stadium kit customized to a favourite team. He had one hand-crafted model and a burning ambition but, realising that he was going to Read More...
  • Streamlining Social Care Payments

    With 10,000 invoices received annually from external homecare agencies, this project was aimed at improving BVPI8, relating to the timely payment of invoices. The difficulty of reconciling invoices and management information was causing late payment and putting undue pressure on smaller providers. Lean Six Sigma and other techniques were used to understand the process and Read More...
  • Commercialisation of Services to Reduce Subsidies

    In 2004 Borough Council of Kings Lynn & West Norfolk initiated a cost reduction programme with the aim of reducing council subsidy through the commercialisation of services, particularly in sports and leisure. WLP trained key managers and staff in business planning and project management. These staff became part of improvement groups and championed specifically identified Read More...
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