Success Stories

Here are some examples of the kind of services we offer and the end results our customers achieved.
You can see testimonials from our clients here >

  • Sales and Marketing

    The client company design, make and install natural wood kitchens and was working from limited premises with one employee assisting the owner. A strategic approach was taken in 1996 and, together with a systems review, process mapping and marketing tools with a computerised order management system, customer service has been enhanced significantly. Year on year Read More...
  • Raising the Profile of a Property Consultancy

    A leading property consultancy was facing the loss of knowledge and continuity through the retirement of the partner heading up their food business. The new partner had little experience of the sector and needed to get to know the industry and its make-up. A plan was drawn up to redefine the firm’s business proposition, meet Read More...
  • Enabling High Growth in a Traditional Field

    William Morfoot Ltd is a client of WLP and enjoyed growth of nearly 50% this year, just one reason they can be rightly proud of their achievement. So how did this growth happen? Firstly, let’s give you a brief background to the company… William Morfoot Ltd is a successful land drainage business based in Norfolk Read More...
  • The Benefits of Lean Six Sigma

    The client develops seed coating technology and processes customers’ seed to enhance its planting and germination properties. They were experiencing significant growth and issues of capacity, product quality and consistency all need to be improved. We used our considerable experience in implementing Lean Six Sigma as an improvement process and tool box. The company trained a Read More...
  • Change of Ownership

    A plc company was sold to a German company. The original deal was to be a straight transfer of share ownership; however, the new parent company was unwilling to take over the unlimited liabilities associated with the group final salary pension scheme. The deal became a sale of assets and liabilities to a dormant UK Read More...
  • Recruitment in Rapid Growth Business

    A rapidly growing business had an over-stretched owner, who needed a key person to manage contracts effectively, and enable him to continue to develop new business opportunities. The recruitment task gave the owner confidence to ‘let go’ once it was determined was required of the new person. WLP assessed the role and developed the appropriate Read More...
  • Family Company Seek Benchmarking and Business Planning

    Family company within the construction industry were seeking some benchmarking to confirm they were going in the right direction, this was completed and from that they discovered a need for focus and a plan for which they had little or no experience. A business plan as well as individual action plans were prepared, then agreed Read More...
  • Study of the Charity Sector

    A large company provide managed services to membership organisations and trade associations with support in subscription management, call centres, publishing, legal support and helpline. They then acquired a number of charitable status clients and wished to better understand the charity market sector before making any strategic moves to enter. We carried out a comprehensive study Read More...
  • Installing a ISO 14001 Management System

    We were approached by a company that recycles mobile telephones and IT equipment. In order to continue their rapid expansion and development of both UK and overseas markets, the Company needed to help to be certified in an independently accredited and internationally recognized environmental standard. Working closely with Inturn’s team, WLP helped design, install and Read More...
  • Changing Fortunes for Growth in Dried Flowers

    From little seeds. This traditional farm based business was started by growing, drying and selling bunches of dried flowers. The business was handed to the second generation, two sons, and market trends, as well as organisational issues led to the demise of the business into significant losses. The ability to identify, with the family, the Read More...
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