Good Health & Safety is Common Sense (Part 2)

What does your health and safety policy statement say about your business?

Is it a clear statement of what you’re going to do, how you’re going to do it and who is responsible for making it happen?

Does it say that you’re a business that takes responsibility and gets the job done?

Or is it sprinkled with “recognized responsibilities” that will be met only “so far as is reasonably practicable”?

I promise that we (the business) will not kill or maim you. I promise that you will go home in the same or better health than when you arrived.

Signed, The Owner

A very good HSE inspector (now retired) set me the challenge of finding a business that would adopt the simple promise above as their health and safety policy statement.

It’s punchy, it’s to the point and above all it’s the essence of what health and safety in the workplace should be about.

Could you make that promise about your business?

If you haven’t read “Health & Safety is Common Sense (Part 1)” click here.