The Institute of Consulting has developed a range of behavioural requirements for successful consultancy projects.
The client should:
- Take the project through the organisation’s procedures for approval, including taking account of the whole lifecycle spend with an authorised business case, and identifying funding.
- Be clear and explicit about the need for the work and its benefits.
- Work with internal sourcing/procurement procedures and policies.
- Use a fast track procurement process when appropriate and available.
- Keep an open mind regarding suppliers.
- Define clear rules of engagement to govern the procurement process and communicate these to all parties.
- Have a mechanism for allowing key influencers to engage with consultants during the procurement process.
- Ensure the consultants know about internal political barriers and whether addressing these are part of their brief.
- Identify and make available the internal resources required to deliver the assignment successfully.
- Take a holistic approach to assignments to assist economies of scale. For example, is it best to address the whole organisation at once or one location at a time?
- For best value, consider a variety of resourcing and remuneration options.
- Be clear with the consultant about the true state of knowledge and understanding of the problem, revealing any hidden issues.
- Be open to alternative ways of looking at the problem and be prepared to change views.
- Give honest feedback. Any issues with the team, approach, or your understanding of the project’s progression need to be addressed.