
Pages tagged Charity ...

Review of Community Facilities for a National Charity

on A leading national charity was operating a number of facilities to assist and support its Community Programmes in a major provincial city. These included a charity shop, coffee shop and day centre, which were required to be financially self-sufficient but were under-performing and proving a burden rather than a benefit. WLP were engaged to conduct Read More...

Can The Good You Do Boost Your Business?

on It’s a wonderful thing to take time out of your busy life to help others or get involved with charity work – so why do many of us find it hard to be vocal about our good deeds? The famous British stiff upper lip often stops us from broadcasting about such activities, and yet being Read More...

Charity – Employment

on A national Charity helping disabled and disadvantaged people, carrying out an SRB funded capacity building project in Lowestoft and wish to do a project aimed at supporting these people into work. The project will be on the boat building and ship repair industries as these have skill shortages which are undermining the future of the Read More...

Study of the Charity Sector

on A large company provide managed services to membership organisations and trade associations with support in subscription management, call centres, publishing, legal support and helpline. They then acquired a number of charitable status clients and wished to better understand the charity market sector before making any strategic moves to enter. We carried out a comprehensive study Read More...