
Development, nmangement and training of people including HR Development and training, disciplinary, recruitment and retirement including MAP Managerial Assessment of Proficiency

When is a Resignation a Resignation?

on We all know in HR that employment law can be complex, especially when lawyers became involved. It’s what they do, right? Well, you also have to accept employment law is not all about EU directives and more bureaucracy.  It exists because there are still too many unreasonable employers out there who choose not to treat Read More...

Are you an Entrepreneur?

on Could you put the needs of your business over family? If you answer ‘yes’ to this question, you demonstrate strong entrepreneurial tendencies. Is your support network (family, close friends) behind you?Well, if you are prepared to tell them that you answered ‘yes’ to question one, you are probably about to find out the answer to Read More...

To smoke or not to smoke, that is the question on E-cigarettes

on E-cigarettes, personal vaporizers (PVs), and electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) are battery operated devices that mimic tobacco smoking and are often used as a replacement for cigarettes. They produce a vapour, including flavoured aromas either with or without nicotine, rather than traditional smoke. So, should you allow smokers who use these devices to use them Read More...

Employing My First Employee…

on You have now got to the point you need to think about employing and trusting someone else to help you grow the business. The realisation that you cannot create the 28 hour day, means you have to now take on another responsibility – a member of staff. A few considerations: Do I need full-time or Read More...

Can your people help you?

on I recently went into a company of about 200 people and found that about 10 of those people were making most of the decisions! Why was this? As you start to talk to people you get a real feel for the reasons. It boils down to the fact that people feel they are blamed when Read More...