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Food For Thought: New Labelling Laws

Know your onions when it comes to ingredients!

New Food Labelling rules became Law on 13th December 2014. Within this post, we are going to cover what these rules mean for different types of businesses.

If you are a food business manufacturing pre-packed food…

The new allergen information rules will mean that:

  • You will have to emphasise allergenic ingredients (for example, by using bold, italics, or colours) on the ingredients list. This means all allergenic information will be provided on the ingredients list only.
  • All information must be in the language of the Country that your product is sold in.

If you are a food business or hospitality business selling loose foods or in food service (for example school canteens, cafes, restaurants, takeaways, caterers)…

The new Allergen information rules will mean that:

  • You must provide information about 14 Allergens, if used as an ingredient in the food you are providing or selling. You can do this on a menu, chalkboard, website or orally, but you must signpost your customers to this information.

There will of course be implications of keeping on top of this legislation in terms of training your staff, keeping abreast of all the changes in the long term and ensuring that you understand the level of detail required.

The Food Standards Agency issued guidance at the end of May 2014: www.food.gov.uk

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